The Impact Of Pop Culture On Fashion & Aesthetics Overview: Pop culture has become a driving force in shaping modern fashion, blurring the lines between creativity, identity, and societal norms. From iconic figures like Princess Diana and Madonna to trailblazers like Harry Styles and Lady Gaga, pop culture’s influence on fashion is undeniable. It inspires trends, promotes inclusivity, and challenges traditional gender norms. Social… Continue reading The Impact Of Pop Culture On Fashion & Aesthetics
Fashionably late? Or a fashion disaster waiting to happen? – Fashion Industry & carbon emissions Pt1 What is the first thing that comes into mind when one thinks of the fashion industry? Larger than life fashion shows, colourful fabrics, unique designs, eye-catching cuts, a plethora of accessories and so much more. But now another addition has been made to that list – Carbon emissions. According to a report published by the… Continue reading Fashionably late? Or a fashion disaster waiting to happen? – Fashion Industry & carbon emissions Pt1
Introduction of COVID-19 to Fast Fashion Introduction of COVID-19 to Fast Fashion COVID-19 has affected each one of us over the past 2 years, whether it is on a personal, socio-economical, or political level. It was a year that showed us more than ever that the world we live in is not sustainable and neither is fast fashion. This has been… Continue reading Introduction of COVID-19 to Fast Fashion
What Is Slow Fashion & 6 Indian Slow Fashion Brands That Stand For It What is the need to embrace slow fashion? Well, there is no Planet B. Ever thought: what role does fashion, the things we buy, and the brands we support financially play in the sustainability of earth? The apparel business, it turns out, is responsible for 10% of global annual carbon emission! Let’s take a look… Continue reading What Is Slow Fashion & 6 Indian Slow Fashion Brands That Stand For It
Understanding Basics of Fashion Business Management We all have played dress-up games as a kid and wanted to look as ‘Fashionable’ as possible! While the earlier notion of fashion revolved around shimmers and glitters, its definition has transformed completely. Fashion in the present day has become closely related to business management. So, for all those who want to experiment with the… Continue reading Understanding Basics of Fashion Business Management
10 Eccentric Interior Design Trends in 2022 & 5 that we are leaving behind in 2021 “There is more and more research that shows the direct influence that our homes have, not only on our moods but our overall health and well-being,” interior designer Timothy Corrigan of Timothy tells Vogue. The year 2020 was all about staying home and staying safe, and honestly, 2022 is not different either. With our… Continue reading 10 Eccentric Interior Design Trends in 2022 & 5 that we are leaving behind in 2021
A Comprehensive Guide on choosing Best Interior Design College in India Many businesses and organizations saw a steady decline after the pandemic. However, the interior design market proved to be an exception, where the homeowners craved better living spaces and the 9 to 5 sector needed better workplace designs. An urgent need was felt due to a paradigm shift in people’s mindset in the way they… Continue reading A Comprehensive Guide on choosing Best Interior Design College in India
6 Whimsical Scandinavian Interior Design Ideas What defines a homely environment? Is it the aesthetics of the spaces or the relaxation it provides? A home is a place that offers balanced quotients of design and comfort. And this is what exactly Scandinavian interior design ideas incorporate. The dark and long periods of winters in Scandinavia lock most of the people inside… Continue reading 6 Whimsical Scandinavian Interior Design Ideas
Fashion Revolution Week 2022 There are some events that are set in stone. One such harrowing event happened in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2013 which led to one of the biggest revolutions in the world, The Fashion Revolution Week. What Happened? The Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh collapsed on April 24, 2013, killing 1,100 people and injuring 2,500 more. Several… Continue reading Fashion Revolution Week 2022
Fashion Magazine Cover Page Journey through 100 Years “The best cover is always the next one, the one you haven’t seen yet.” Anna Wintour Fashion journalism originated in the 18th century, and Cabinet des Modes is considered the first fashion magazine. The evolution of fashion magazine cover designs chronicles the journey of the fashion industry, the design process and the printing technology. The… Continue reading Fashion Magazine Cover Page Journey through 100 Years