Creating Education in a Time of Crisis (Covid-19 Pandemic) Title: Creating Education in a Time of Crisis (Covid-19 Pandemic): Evidence of students achieving their Learning Outcomes Abstract: A fallout of the unprecedented Covid 19 pandemic had a huge impact on the age old way of teaching and learning. Without coming to the classroom’s physical space, did the students achieve their learning outcomes set forth… Continue reading Creating Education in a Time of Crisis (Covid-19 Pandemic)
Shifting paradigms in Sustainable Fashion Design Education Title: Shifting paradigms in Sustainable Fashion Design education : Studying implications & effectiveness of pedagogical methods adopted in a pandemic setting Abstract: Following a practice-based approach, the paper explores the effectiveness and advantages of teaching the module in context online by discussing pedagogical techniques through a classroom project undertaken during the pandemic. Conducting project and… Continue reading Shifting paradigms in Sustainable Fashion Design Education
Architecture in the Age of the Pandemic Title: Architecture in the Age of the Pandemic Abstract: The video discusses the role that architects play in creating and shaping the built environment. The author imagines a post-pandemic era that would address the concerns of good health and well-being for human beings and the planet. In the video he points out that buildings should… Continue reading Architecture in the Age of the Pandemic
Re-considering Sustainability in Craft Title: Re-considering Sustainability in Craft Abstract: This paper explores the collaboration of design and craft for holistic sustainability. It documents the development of product and skilling the tribal community with the use of a renewable material abundantly available – bamboo, in a field-tested project involving designing for sustainability. It provides an insight into craft-design collaboration… Continue reading Re-considering Sustainability in Craft
Traditional textiles and clothing choices as personal identity of Cosmopolitan Indians Title: Traditional textiles and clothing choices as personal identity of cosmopolitan Indians Sub theme: Geo-politics of fashion Abstract: This paper explores a non-western perspective from India, identifying subscribers of a slower and more traditional textile revival lifestyle through their clothing and fashion choices. It questions this individual preference of social identity along with a need… Continue reading Traditional textiles and clothing choices as personal identity of Cosmopolitan Indians
Active Learning Strategies for Teaching Research Skills to First Year Design Students Title: Active Learning Strategies for Teaching Research Skills to First Year Design Students Abstract: The purpose of this study is to establish that teaching research skills, rather than research methods, is a more engaged learning process for foundation level design students at the undergraduate level. Teaching strategies applied in a controlled environment built on Bloom’s… Continue reading Active Learning Strategies for Teaching Research Skills to First Year Design Students
Using Crisis to Imagine the Future – Reflections on the Frame Title: Using crisis to imagine the future – Reflections on the frame-work of pedagogical technology used for remote learning to create a near-studio based learning experience. Abstract: “Thinking through making” and project-based learning being at the centre of our institutional ideology, the pandemic threatened our very core. In this presentation, we focus on the integrated… Continue reading Using Crisis to Imagine the Future – Reflections on the Frame