The Impact Of Pop Culture On Fashion & Aesthetics Overview: Pop culture has become a driving force in shaping modern fashion, blurring the lines between creativity, identity, and societal norms. From iconic figures like Princess Diana and Madonna to trailblazers like Harry Styles and Lady Gaga, pop culture’s influence on fashion is undeniable. It inspires trends, promotes inclusivity, and challenges traditional gender norms. Social… Continue reading The Impact Of Pop Culture On Fashion & Aesthetics
Fashionably late? Or a fashion disaster waiting to happen? – Fashion Industry & carbon emissions Pt1 What is the first thing that comes into mind when one thinks of the fashion industry? Larger than life fashion shows, colourful fabrics, unique designs, eye-catching cuts, a plethora of accessories and so much more. But now another addition has been made to that list – Carbon emissions. According to a report published by the… Continue reading Fashionably late? Or a fashion disaster waiting to happen? – Fashion Industry & carbon emissions Pt1
Fashion Revolution Week 2022 There are some events that are set in stone. One such harrowing event happened in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2013 which led to one of the biggest revolutions in the world, The Fashion Revolution Week. What Happened? The Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh collapsed on April 24, 2013, killing 1,100 people and injuring 2,500 more. Several… Continue reading Fashion Revolution Week 2022
How does Social Media Impact our Fashion Choices? Fast fashion refers to the trendy, inexpensive clothing that imitates designs from the catwalk or celebrity culture and is mass-produced as fast as possible to make the designs conveniently available to consumers. Social media is a influencing force shaping the fashion and has kickstarted a drastic evolution in fast fashion. Platforms such as Instagram, TikTok… Continue reading How does Social Media Impact our Fashion Choices?
Relationship Between Fashion And Body Positivity Clothing In 2022 It’s time to love the skin that you’re in. As a child, I remember flipping through magazines and seeing adverts for fair-skinned, tall, and thin girls and women. Being a guy, I never saw girls like those models around me. My sister and friends had all different bodies, shapes and sizes, and none would look… Continue reading Relationship Between Fashion And Body Positivity Clothing In 2022