UX vs. UI Design: What is the Difference? It can be confusing for folks as the two terms UI and UX are sometimes used interchangeably and sometimes incorrectly. If you have ever found yourself wondering the same, “What is UI, What is UX, and What is really the difference between UX design and UI Design?”, this post is here to help you get… Continue reading UX vs. UI Design: What is the Difference?
UI or UX Design: What to Choose? UI or UX Design: What to Choose? We know that UI Design and UX Design are two big buzz words in the design discipline! In the previous post we demystified the difference between UI vs. UX, in this post we break down the roles of a UI Designer and a UX Designer, to help you… Continue reading UI or UX Design: What to Choose?
The Importance of Communication Design in Contemporary Societies Communication design refers to the technique of communicating a message via audio-visual tools to convey an intended message effectively to the target audience with an aim to inspire the latter to take the desired action such as making a purchase, referral, etc. Unlike abstract art, wherein there is room for open interpretation, communication design enjoins responsibility upon… Continue reading The Importance of Communication Design in Contemporary Societies
Celebrating Public Spaces of Delhi : The Garden of Five Senses Prologue They say when you come to this City of Djinns, otherwise known as Delhi, you don’t go back. This city, enveloped in a smog of magical-realism, finds ways to make you stay – you can only enter this city but the djinns won’t let you leave. I am The Garden of Five Senses and… Continue reading Celebrating Public Spaces of Delhi : The Garden of Five Senses
Why every startup needs a ui/ux designer The product development process for software has come a long way in the last few decades. In this regard, Marcelo Cordini, Co-Founder of December Labs says, “Back in the day the business folks provided a list of requirements to developers. Once the code was done, the developers made changes to fonts and interactions. Sometimes, we… Continue reading Why every startup needs a ui/ux designer
Evolution of Architecture in India Evolution of Architecture in India: The Ethereal Journey of Design Finesse through Time From the astounding minarets of the Taj Mahal to the strategic beauty of the Red Fort, from the intelligence in the planning of the Harappa civilisation to the towering townships in the new age; Indian architecture has been on a dynamic journey… Continue reading Evolution of Architecture in India
Sustainable Architecture: The New Age and its take on Going Green! When power generation is taken into account, architecture and construction account for 36% of worldwide final energy usage and 39%of CO2 emissions, as per WorldGBC, demanding progressive steps towards sustainable architecture. Ecological issues arising from current mechanized and technological developments continue to be a major source of global concern, prompting a more active need for… Continue reading Sustainable Architecture: The New Age and its take on Going Green!
Fashionably late? Or a fashion disaster waiting to happen? – Fashion Industry & carbon emissions Pt1 What is the first thing that comes into mind when one thinks of the fashion industry? Larger than life fashion shows, colourful fabrics, unique designs, eye-catching cuts, a plethora of accessories and so much more. But now another addition has been made to that list – Carbon emissions. According to a report published by the… Continue reading Fashionably late? Or a fashion disaster waiting to happen? – Fashion Industry & carbon emissions Pt1
A Comprehensive Guide on choosing Best Interior Design College in India Many businesses and organizations saw a steady decline after the pandemic. However, the interior design market proved to be an exception, where the homeowners craved better living spaces and the 9 to 5 sector needed better workplace designs. An urgent need was felt due to a paradigm shift in people’s mindset in the way they… Continue reading A Comprehensive Guide on choosing Best Interior Design College in India
6 Whimsical Scandinavian Interior Design Ideas What defines a homely environment? Is it the aesthetics of the spaces or the relaxation it provides? A home is a place that offers balanced quotients of design and comfort. And this is what exactly Scandinavian interior design ideas incorporate. The dark and long periods of winters in Scandinavia lock most of the people inside… Continue reading 6 Whimsical Scandinavian Interior Design Ideas